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-  start the email with Dear + Name
- ask how a person you are writing to is or express your hope s/he is well
How are you? I hope you are well.
- express your gratitude for the received letter
Thanks for your letter. It was good to hear from you.
- write him/her:
- who you live with and where…
- about your lifestyle, what you do in your free time, about your hobbies…
- what school subjects you like and why, about your favourite teacher…
- what you do at weekends…
Finish the letter with:
Love, Lots of Love, Best Wishes, …
- sign it with your name
1/ Napište neformální email kamarádovi ze zahraničí, s kterým se seznamujete. Uveďte:
- Oslovení
- Jak se má a že doufáte, že dobře
- Vyjádřete radost, že vám napsal
- Popište, kde bydlíte a s kým
- Jaký je váš životní styl, co děláte, jaké máte koníčky apod.
- Co děláte ve volném čase a o víkendech
- Rozlučte se a podepište se