Quantum mechanics and Schrödinger's cat
Kvantová fyzika vyvrací materialismus a dokládá Boha
Quantum mechanics and Schrödinger's cat
Quantum mechanics is a physical science dealing with the behaviour of matter and energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles / waves.
It also forms the basis for the contemporary understanding of how very large objects such as stars and galaxies, and cosmological events such as the Big Bang, can be analyzed and explained. Quantum mechanics is the foundation of several related disciplines including nanotechnology, condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry, structural biology, particle physics, and electronics.
The acceptance by the general physics community of quantum mechanics is due to its accurate prediction of the physical behaviour of systems, including systems where Newtonian mechanics fails. Even general relativity is limited -- in ways quantum mechanics is not -- for describing systems at the atomic scale or smaller, at very low or very high energies, or at the lowest temperatures.
The foundations of quantum mechanics date from the early 1800s, but the real beginnings of quantum mechanics date from the work of Max Planck in 1900. Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr soon made important contributions to what is now called the "old quantum theory." Some of the most prominent scientists to subsequently contribute in the mid-1920s to what is now called the "new quantum mechanics" or "new physics" were Max Born, Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, and Erwin Schrödinger.
Quantum mechanics is a challenging subject for several reasons:
- Quantum mechanics explains things in very different ways from what we learn about the world when we are children.
- Quantum mechanics suggests that atoms and subatomic particles behave in strange ways, completely unlike anything we see in our everyday lives.
- Quantum mechanics describes things that are extremely small, so we cannot see some of them without special equipment, and we cannot see many of them at all.
- Understanding quantum mechanics requires more mathematics than algebra and simple calculus. It also requires matrix algebra, complex numbers, probability theory, and partial differential equations.
- Quantum mechanics describes nature in a way that is different from how we usually think about science. It tells us how likely to happen some things are, rather than telling us that they certainly will happen.
Schrödinger's cat
One of the strange conclusions of quantum mechanics theory is the "Schrödinger's cat" effect.
Schrödinger said that quantum mechanics seemed to say that if something (such as the life or death of a cat) was determined by a quantum event, then its state would be determined by the state that resulted from the quantum event, but only at the time that somebody looked at the state of the quantum event.
In the time before the state of the quantum event is looked at, perhaps "the living and dead cat (pardon the expression) [are] mixed or smeared out in equal parts."
Schrödinger's cat
Schrödinger stated that if you place a cat and something that could kill the cat (a radioactive atom) in a box and sealed it, you would not know if the cat was dead or alive until you opened the box, so that until the box was opened, the cat was both "dead and alive".
Schrödinger's cat - simple.wikipedia.org
Jak si možná pamatujeme ze školy či z populárně-vědeckých přednášek, Schrödingerova kočka je zavřená v neprůhledné krabici spolu s ampulí jedovatého plynu, která praskne v momentě, kdy se rozpadne připojený radioaktivní nuklid. Protože nevíme, zda se již nuklid rozpadl, nebo ne, nevíme ani, zda je kočka mrtvá, či živá. Schrödinger spekuloval, že se kočka nachází v myšlenkově těžko uchopitelné superpozici stavů živá-mrtvá. Tedy dokud krabici neotevřeme a nezjistíme, jak na tom zvíře doopravdy je.
Schrödingerova kočka - vysvětlení 2:43
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