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A Midsummer Night's Dream

25. 11. 2019

A Midsummer Night's Dream

  • Demetrius     Hermia     Lysander     Helena     Oberon     Titania     Puck   Bottom

Video: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/short-stories/midsummer-nights-dream


Watch the story and put the sentences in order:


6             4             1             8             7             2             5             3


True or false?

a. Demetrius loves Hermia but Hermia loves Lysander.

b. Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius and Helena go to the mountains.

c. Oberon wants to play a trick on Puck.

d. The juice from the magic flower makes you love the first thing you see.

e. Puck thinks Lysander is Demetrius.

f. Helena is the first thing Lysander sees.

g. Oberon is the first thing Titania sees.

h. Lysander and Demetrius want to fight because they both love Helena.

i. Oberon takes the magic spell away from Lysander.

j. The next morning, everybody remembers what happened.


a-T         b-F         c-F          d-T         e-T         f-T          g-F         h-T         i-F           j-F