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A Christmas Carol

Ask students what festival/holiday is important to them. How do they celebrate? 

Happy Christmas word hunt: How many words can you make from the letters in HAPPY CHRISTMAS? (For example; PARTY, MISTY, THIRST……) What’s the longest word you found?

Write an acrostic poem or just short phrases or images relating to Christmas. 


Ask sts to close eyes. Tell them they are 6 years old. They’re at home. It’s a festival. The biggest they have every year. Are they excited? What are they excited about? Who is there? Mother? Father? Brothers and sisters? What is everyone doing? What is everyone wearing?


A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens   https://youtu.be/SrYIMmUTFdo


Students write passage about their festival day. They should recount events, but try to give a strong idea of character while doing so, as Dickens does in Fezziwig’s ball. 


The Characters

The writer, in a few words only, gives the reader a fairly complete idea about his characters. For the characters below, what do you know about them? Support this with passages from the text. What extra ideas does this knowledge suggest to you, what do you think the characters are like?

What do you know about them? What is your evidence from the text? What other characteristics does this suggest to you?

Mr Fezziwig

Mrs Fezziwig

The daughters (Miss Fezziwigs)

Young Ebenezer and Dick

The Fiddler 


Handout materials 1.

Ask sts to read the introduction and tell you the answer to ‘who is Scrooge travelling with?’ Explain that therefore in this reading, Scrooge is watching his younger self, in the past. 
